
Are Solar Power Systems in Malaysia Truly Affordable?

In Malaysia, where the median household monthly income for urban residences hovers around RM5,800 in 2019, are solar power panel systems in Malaysia truly affordable for the average Malaysian?

Well, here’s the thing – there really is no clear and easy answer to the question of solar panel prices in Malaysia. That’s because the pricing of the solar panel system depends on multiple factors as well as being dependent on the solar panel Malaysia supplier.

What determines the cost of an affordable solar power system in Malaysia?

Here are a few of the common factors affecting the price of an everyday affordable solar power system in Malaysia usually costs:

  • Solar system to be used – The type of solar panel that specifically fits for your needs
  • Your daily energy requirement – Determining your daily energy usage by taking a look at your utility bill for energy usage in kilowatt hour per day (kWh/day)
  • Available space for the solar system – Checking your area if the system will be able to receive significant amount of sunlight needed to produce energy.
  • Budget – Taking advantage of rebates, incentives and assistance being offered by banks and government institutions

The typical price of a standard residential installation from your solar panel Malaysia supplier typically starts from RM 15,000, and can go up to RM 100,000 for specific systems and requirements, varying from 4kW to 12kW systems.

How to calculate the potential returns of a solar power system?

If you’re seeking to install a solar power panel system based on the potential returns it can bring to you, here are a few questions you’ll need to ask yourself:

  • What is the ideal solar energy system size for my home or business?
  • How much electricity bill savings can I get with Solar?
  • How long is the payback period for the cost of my solar energy system?

In fact, there is a handy calculator from the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) that can effectively give you a quick estimation on your potential savings you can expect over the lifetime of your solar power system.

You’ll need a few snippets of information such as:

  • Your home or business’s tariff group
  • Your building type
  • Your average monthly electricity bill
  • Your Mode of Purchase
  • Your Solar Energy Rate in PPA (RM/kWh)

If you’re looking for help in determining what your potential savings if you install a solar power panel system, you can contact Next Energy here.

How to start searching for an affordable solar panel system provider?

1. Be firm and decisive on the reasons why you’re choosing to invest in solar panel systems

Solar panel systems require a sizeable investment from your end. It gives you complete autonomy on how you power your home. When your neighbour’s power goes out during a storm, your property will be completely unaffected!

This technology is perfect for people who are environmentally conscious. Solar energy is one of the few 100% clean energy resources on the planet. With other forms of energy becoming more expensive and scarce, it pays to switch to solar sooner than later.

2. Schedule a consultation with a contractor that installs solar

You will truly see and understand the potential of solar energy if you call a professional in for help. Engaging in a professional contractor that specializes in solar panel supply, installation and maintenance will guarantee your safety and return of your investment.

3. Prepare and commit yourself to take care of your solar panels

Last but not least, if you decide to invest and install solar panel systems for your home or your business, you’ll have to think long-term and perform the required upkeep and maintenance of your solar panels.

While they are not of high daily maintenance, solar panel systems require routine cleaning and maintenance after certain time period to prevent damages and expensive repairs. The better you take care of your panels, the better they’ll work for you in helping you save energy bills and offset your initial investment.

Next Energy provides winning technical expertise for solar panel installation

With our extensive years of expertise in residential, commercial and large scale solar programmes, Next Energy is a trusted solar panel Malaysia supplier and is Malaysia’s preferred installer for those looking for the best affordable solar power system Malaysia has to offer.

Drop us a message if you would like a consultation on how to install your solar panels and how to receive benefits in terms of warranties, permits or even apply for tax incentives for solar panel systems.